Is God still at work today? Or did he stop working after creating the world in 7 days? If he is at work, how then is He working?


reading for: Tuesday Night, 30 MAY

Matthew 28:16-20

God at work in Humanity (God working on Humans)

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    Do you believe that God is at work in you and those around you?

    How do you see and think about Him at work in you and others?

    This is probably one of the most familiar texts for Christians today, a reminder that we have been sent by Jesus to make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teaching all that Jesus has commanded.

    But what if we were to see it from a slightly different angle? That God is actually at work to reform, renew and revive every single human being in our world? Human beings who will embody the teachings and ways of Jesus. Human beings who will carry and bring forth the glory of God on earth like Salt and Light?

    God hasn’t stopped working after Genesis. He didn’t just work 6 days and is resting for the rest of his life. He is still at work, redeeming and bringing forth human beings who will turn the other cheek, run the extra mile and treat others as they want to be treated (Matthew 5-7). And in the sending of His Son Jesus, God the Father is continuing His mission that He set out in Abraham (Genesis) and Moses (Exodus). To bring forth human beings who will truly be able to reflect His goodness, love and mercy on earth. Just as Jesus did in his 33 years on earth, the Spirit is now poured out on all of us, to form, shape and make us more and more like Jesus each day.


What if we were to take Jesus teachings, especially those in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), less as “moral ideals” and “right things to do” and more like who we can become one day? In other words, one of our main purposes in life, isn’t to “do the right thing” or “live the right way”, but to actually become the kind of beautiful person like Jesus?

What if we thought about our “sins and failures” and the wrong that people do to us less as “their wrong” but as opportunities for each of us to grow?

Wouldn’t that change the way we come to God? Wouldn’t that change our response to the injustice we face from others?

More importantly, wouldn’t that mean that God is truly at work to make every single human being, every one of your family members, relatives, friends and neighbours more beautiful?

reading for: Wednesday Night, 31 MAY

Genesis 1:1-2:4a

God at Work in Creation (God Working in the world)

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    Do you believe that God is at work in Singapore, in Malaysia, in South East Asia, Asia and the world? Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, the ongoing tensions between the US and China, is God actually still at work?

    Genesis 1-2 is often referred to as an account to emphasise that God is the Creator of Heavens and Earth. He is the Beginning and it was through Him that all things came into existence.

    But what if Genesis 1-2 is meant to challenge our picture of God? That He didn’t just create creation, heaven, earth and human beings many many years ago, but is now, continuing His work as the Creator?

    In other words, God didn’t just create the world in 6 days and is at rest for the rest of eternity, but as the Creator God, He is still actively creating, working, maintaining our economies? What if the economies in our world today isn’t just run by demand and supply or capitalism, but is actually being driven by the Spirit of God? In other words, even in the dark, formless, empty and seemingly meaningly systems in our world, the Spirit of God is actually still sovereign and hovering over these systems (v. 2). And that at the appropriate time, He will separate the light from darkness (v. 4) and bring forth life, seed and plants (v. 11)?


    God working in the world can be a very far and foreign idea. But lets imagine our world, in the companies and offices which we are working in. Do you believe that God is sovereign and that His Spirit is powerful enough to reign over the toxic culture that might be plaguing your department?

    Do you believe that God is wanting to make things good in your company?

    Do you believe that He wants to bring life, light to you and your colleagues?

    Does He want to make your company fruitful and multiply?

    Thats what it would mean if God is still at work in our world, in your industry, company and department today.

    If you find that to be ridiculous and far-fetched, I invite you to bring your doubt, disappointment and sadness to Him today in prayer. And ask that He open your eyes to see Him and His ongoing work in your world.

reading for: Thursday Night, 1 jUNE

2 Corinthians 13:11-13

God at work in His Church

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    Do you believe that God is at work in His church and His children?

    Do you believe that He is working in your brother and sister in church?

    Paul is coming to a close of not just this letter, but the end of at least 4 letters he has written to them. 2 Corinthians is actually the 4th while 1 Corinthians is actually the second.

    There have been a crazy number of issues that he had addressed amongst them, from incest (1 Cor 5), to suing one another (1 Cor 6), to food offered to idols (1 Cor 8).

    And in his latest and last letter, he has had to defend his own apostleship (2 Cor 1-7).

    Looking at the amount and kind of issues the Corinthian church were facing, wouldn't it be easier to believe that God wasn't at work in them?

    Wouldn’t it been easier to give up on them? Or to put it in our Singaporean lingo, "Ai yo they cannot make it lah! Don't waste your time on them lah!"

    Yet Paul closes his letter with "Be joyful, keep growing, encourage each other and live in harmony and peace." Why? So that the God of love and peace will be with you (v. 12).

    Paul believes that despite all the crazy infighting and stupid things happening, God was still at work amongst them. God had not abandoned them but was forming and making them into a people like Him. And ultimately, He still believed in the grace shown in Jesus, the love and patience of God and the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit in and with them.


    The picture of the Corinthian church was a messy and ugly one, if any church in Singapore is found to be experiencing half of its issues, it would surely be seen as a church that has stopped growing and possibly condemned by God. Yet the good news is that that isn’t the case.

    How do you see and think of CNL? Do you think we are a church that has stopped growing? Do you think that God has stopped working on us?

    In the choices that you are making to either draw closer and deeper or move further and further, what does it reveal about your deepest thoughts about Centre of New Life?

    How then does these 4 short verses and Paul’s invitation and heart to the Corinthian church speak to your deepest thoughts and beliefs?

reading for: Friday Night, 2 JUNE

Psalm 8

God at work in Individuals 

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    Do you believe that God is at work in every single person and human being? Regardless of race and religion, gender and age, He is at work in each of us?

    David’s reflection and thoughts about how we pale in comparison to the moon and stars doesn’t just apply to “Christians”. It applies to every single human being.

    And when he speak about how unworthy we are to be thought of by God and cared for by Him (v. 4), he doesn’t just have in mind Christians.

    All of us and each of us have been made a little lower than heavenly beings and crowed with God’s glory and honour (v. 5)

    All and each of us have been given charge of all creation, and given authority over all things (v. 6).

    God has chosen us, each and every single human being to carry his majestic name on earth.

    Through His Son Jesus and now by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, God is continuing His work in every single human being, drawing them first towards Him, so that each of us will be able to shine forth in God’s glory.


    Psalm 139 is often quoted as a Psalm that affirms every single human being, created and made by God. Psalm 8 however, paints every single human being in a different kind of glorious light. All of us have a future and destiny in God and He is at work tirelessly to bring out the beauty that He intended when He created us.

    What if we learnt to see each person not just created in the beauty and image of God but also intended to become the beautiful and glorious image of God?

    How would that affect how we see and treat one another?

    How would we learn to partner with God in what He is wanting to do?