More often than not, we grasp something only to realise it’s not quite what we thought we needed. Stuck in this cycle, how can we gain a clarity of who we are and whose we are?
The good news is that we can partake in a new way of life by making Jesus Christ the center of our lives. And naturally, the only way we can lead Christ-centered lives is to witness and know the living (yes, living) presence of Christ.
Participating in this reality with Jesus takes more than just reading the Bible front to back. At Centre of New Life, we believe that the true way to experience Christ is by being part of a Church community.
We believe that Christ-governing communities go beyond social gatherings. By being part of a church community, we would have to learn to love, forgive, and remain in one another despite our flaws - in other words, modelling Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection - we will come to acknowledge the miracle of the living Christ, experience His healing love for us, and bear witness to the power of this King. If only we know His presence and hear His voice, we will then be catalysed to know true peace and joy.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” - Acts 2:42
In this complex and often fragmented world that we live in, it is more important than ever before to know what keeps us united. Even though we are confined in limited space and time, it is Jesus who embeds and threads Himself through our diverse lives, the lives of past generations, and the life that is to come.
“Participating in this reality with Jesus takes more than just reading the Bible front to back. At Centre of New Life, we believe that the true way to experience Christ is by being part of a Church community.”