In a world with many ideas of good leadership, how does leadership in the bible look like?

In this week’s readings, we look at different ways we can learn to lead.

reading for: 28 October

Matthew 23:1-12

Leading by Pointing to Christ

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You might be wondering, what is the seat of Moses (v. 2)? Did Moses have a seat or throne like King David and Solomon? Since when did Moses have a seat? We only hear about his staff!

Jesus is actually referring to the teaching office in Israel. God gave the law through Moses and from then, the law is the foundation of Israel that all Israelites had to always refer to and study. Remember King Josiah who found the book of the law and ordered that it be read before all Israel? (2 Kings 23:2)

In some sense, this seat of Moses is like the ministry of education that decides on the curriculum and educational process of our young Singaporeans. 

It is curious then that Jesus tells the crowd to follow whatever they teach, but not do what they do (v. 3)! In other words, what they taught was sound! It was their follow through, actions and life that was not recommended. Jesus then explains the kind of effects they had on others (v. 4-7) and how they drew attention to themselves rather than to God.

Which brings us to the point (v. 8-10)! We have one teacher, we have one Father and one Messiah. Our role in leadership, even when we are given the privilege to teach others about God, is to point them to the one Teacher, our Heavenly Father and Messiah. Our teachings should not elevate ourselves. Rather our teachings should elevate Christ. Our lives too must reflect our relationship with our heavenly Father. 

We must take our rightful place before God and amongst men, as God’s servants who lead others to God.


We might think that leaders are only people with official positions in an organisation or church. But the truth is, leaders are anyone who have an influence over others. As followers of Christ, we have been given the privilege to leads others to Christ. Our neighbours, relatives, family, friends and colleagues are hearing what we say and watching how we live! 

How are you leading others to Christ in the workplace with your words and actions? What is 1 area that you can ask God to grow you in?

reading for: 29 October

Joshua 3:7-17

Leading with God’s Presence

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    This is a critical moment in Joshua’s life! Earlier, God commissioned him privately in chapter 1 before he had to give commands and lead Israel to spy the promise land in chapter 2. But now, it was the critical moment where Israel was going to enter the Promise land. 

    This moment, has many similarities to when Moses led Israel through the Red sea. The most obvious being that they are both water bodies! It was previously a sea and now its a river. Both mark significant times in Israel’s history. In Moses’ time it was to be free from the slavery of Pharaoh and Egypt. While now, its about leaving the wilderness and claiming the Promise land. Israel left Egypt with the plunder of silver, gold and clothing (Exodus 12:35-36), but now Israel is leaving the wilderness with the tabernacle and the law!

    What do you think a leader like Joshua would need in such a critical moment like this? A powerful speech? Oozing charisma? Or perhaps a staff just like Moses! 

    None of these! As we’re told in verse 7, its God’s very presence! God promises Joshua that as how He was with Moses, He will now show Israel that He too is with Joshua. 

    The second sign that tells us about the importance of God’s presence can be see in who steps into the river first! Is it the calvary? The bridge builders or the scouts? Its the priests carrying the ark! (v. 13-14) They led Israel with God’s presence to enter the Jordan river! And while they stood still in the middle, all Israel passed them over the Jordan (v. 17). Priests are essentially people who mediate God’s presence! 


    As leaders we turn to many things for power and strength. We’re taught to rely on many things other than God Himself. But here we see that Joshua led out of God’s presence. And it was God’s presence that would exalt Joshua as a leader. 

    Do you have an upcoming meeting, LG gathering or even an encounter that will require leadership from you? It could be even meeting up with your friend/neighbour who isn’t a believer yet. How can you prepare by seeking for God’s presence even as you lead?

reading for: 30 October

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13

Leading as a Father

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    Paul the great apostle and teacher! With his great knowledge of the scriptures and personal encounter with Jesus, he must have led with powerful signs and miracles, words and truths! Well, in his letter to the Corinthians, we find out that he’s actually a lousy speaker! (1 Cor 2:1 and 2 Cor 11:6)

    Time and time again, Paul references his life as the foundation of his leadership in 1 Thessalonians,

    “You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake” (1:5)

    “We were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves” (2:8)

    “You are witnesses, and God also, how pure, upright, and blameless our conduct was toward you believers.” (2:10)

    The foundation of his leadership is how he is like a father with his children (v.11). In other words, he leads the Thessalonians church out of this heart and posture like a father! 

    A father who leads by doing 2 things:

    1) Exhorts, encourages and charges others to lead lives worth of God (v. 12)

    2) Shares the word in a way that it is received as not from men but from God (v. 13)

    This is the true foundation of Paul’s leadership.


    What are some false expectations we have of what it means to be a leader? How do those expectations hinder us from leading?

    How would we, lead like a father and nurture our leadership as a father instead?

reading for: 31 October

Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37

Leading out of the Steadfast Love of God

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    A lot of our leadership comes from a sense of insecurity. Trying to control things which are not meant for us to control. Trying to predict things in unpredictable times. We make things happen because we’re worried that nothing will happen.

    What if we led out of the steadfast love of God instead? How would that look like instead? 

    To establish this, Psalm 107 opens with this resounding statement - “He is good and His steadfast love endures forever!” God’s very character is good and His steadfast love doesn’t last a moment or a long time. It lasts forever! (v. 1)

    We all have experienced this one way or another, and that’s why we are called to “Say it is so!” (v. 2) The New Living Translation puts it, “Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.”

    Whether we were once lost or were wandering in deserts. Or when we were hungry and thirsty, God met us and delivered us when we cried out to him (v.3-6).

    Our God is able and has turned deserts into pools of water, a parched land into springs of water. (v. 35)

    A place where the hungry can live, build their cities, sow their fields and plant their vineyards (v. 36-37)


    The best way to remind ourselves and anchor ourselves in the steadfast love of God is to recount God’s work in our lives.

    2020 has been marked by COVID 19, a worldwide pandemic, but consider how God’s steadfast love has shone through in your life. Take time to write it out and share it with someone - your LG, your friend, your family, colleague, etc.

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