What does it mean that Jesus has risen and is alive?

This week’s readings leads us to consider the significance that He is risen and alive!

reading for: 14 April

Luke 24:36b-48

The Resurrected Jesus Has Flesh and Bones

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Do you believe that our risen Lord has flesh and bones? Do you believe that when we see him again, we will see his nail pierced hands and we will get to eat with him?

All of us will say that we believe that Jesus has risen from the grave! But can we say a definitive yes to the questions above? Interestingly, these questions are answered in our reading for today - a witness account from Luke.

Earlier in Luke 24, two men encounter Jesus while on the way to Emmaus. They do not recognise Jesus because they simply weren’t expecting him! In fact, they were saddened that Jesus who they had hoped would redeem Israel had died (24:17, 21). Only when their eyes were opened to recognise Jesus (24:31) did they begin to speak the words of belief, “The Lord has risen indeed!” (v. 34)

This same doubt and unbelief plagued the eleven remaining disciples. They had followed Jesus day and night for 3 entire years, they ate, walked and heard the teachings of Jesus many times. Yet when they saw Jesus, they thought they were seeing a spirit! And were startled and frightened (v. 37). We must understand that for Jews, seeing a spirit isn’t surprising. In fact, Saul had requested for Samuel’s spirit to be raised in 1 Samuel 28. Some of us watch horror movies and we too expect to see the dead in the form of a spirit. And cannot help but feel frightened.

But Jesus here is not appearing in a spirit, he is appearing to them in flesh and blood. And so he asks them to touch and see. See his hands, see his feet, this is Jesus in flesh and bones. Spirits do not have flesh and bones (v. 39). But despite hearing and touching Jesus, they still couldn’t believe their eyes (v. 40-41).

And guess what Jesus does? He asks them for something to eat, and takes the broiled fish and eats while the disciples watch in awe (v. 41-43).

Why is this important for us? And why did Luke go to such lengths to record this encounter for us? He could have told us more about what Jesus taught and said.


    At Easter we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and too often we focus merely on what was achieved on the cross - our sins were paid and we now have become God’s children. But at Easter, we’re reminded that Jesus is alive! He has risen and is now active in our world. 2000 years ago during this time, the resurrected Jesus was moving and appearing to others in flesh and bones. Everyone didn’t just hear him, but could touch and see him like any other human being. This is one of the things we are witnesses of - Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has risen and has flesh and bones!

reading for: 15 April

Acts 3:12-19

The Name of Jesus Points to Jesus who is alive and Healing!

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    All of us have names, a first name and a last name. By our names we are called and by them we are identified. The names of celebrities like BTS brings awe and delight. While the names of authoritarian dictators like Adolf Hitler brings sadness and anger.

    But there is only 1 name which has the power to bring healing and perfect health to a person, and that name is Jesus! We have to consider however that a name only points to the person. In other words, the name of Jesus has no power in itself unless, the person Jesus has power. And this is what we are see in today’s scripture.

    Earlier in Acts 3, Peter and John were going up to the temple and encounter a man lame from birth (v. 1-2). He had asked them for money and instead they offered him Jesus Christ who could also give healing (v. 3-6). On receiving his healing however, this man didn’t just walk away with this new gift, but directed this gift into praising God. Drawing everyone’s attention, wonder and amazement (v. 8-11).

    Peter however noticed that their stares and wonder were wrongly directed at them (v. 12) so he directed them to the person they had recently killed (v. 13-15). Unbeknown to them, the person they had killed, had risen from the grave. So Peter had to use the name of Jesus to point them to Him (v. 16).

    Peter understood that they were ignorant in their treatment of Jesus (v. 17) and that it was all part of the fulfilment of God’s prophecies (v. v. 18). Yet they were still responsible and had to repent from their sins and be forgiven (v. 19).


    Names point us to the person and is only powerful if the person is alive and truly powerful. As Christians, we often end our prayers “in the name of Jesus. Amen.”. But do we pray it as a formula, or are we aware that its only powerful because He is alive and able to bring healing? More importantly, when we end “in the name of Jesus”, are our hearts, really directed and attentive to Jesus who is able to hear our prayers?

    As we pray this week, take a moment before we pray, to direct our hearts to Jesus who is alive. To remember that He is actively listening to our words before say the words, “in the name of Jesus name I pray”.

reading for: 16 April

1 John 3:1-7

Hoping and Abiding in the Resurrected Jesus

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    Jesus is truly the son of God, the true child who has shown us what it really means to be a child of our Heavenly Father. In his life, he showed us what it means to live for the Father, to practice righteousness and be righteous (v. 7). He also came to take away our sins, for He himself did not have any sin (v. 5). So even though we are already God’s children, a day will come when Jesus returns. And we will not only receive a resurrected body like his, but also be fully pure and righteous like him (v. 2-3)

    But the question remains - what then do we do? Or since we just celebrated Easter, what does it really mean for us that Jesus is alive and risen?

    Firstly, as children of God, we are to hope in Jesus who is alive and risen. For everyone who hopes in Him, purifies ourselves just as Jesus is pure (v. 3)

    Secondly, as children of God, we are to abide in Jesus who is alive and risen. For anyone who abides and live in him, will not sin. Our failure in not seeing Him and knowing him is what will draw us away from the Father (v. 6)

    And this is what we are to do as children of God. We are to constantly put our hope in Jesus and abide in Him until the day He returns.


    Jesus is alive and risen so when we hope and abide in Him, we learn to recalibrate our hopes before Him in prayer. We have already passed the quarter mark of 2021, many of us would have started out with some goals, hopes or resolutions for 2021. Where are we with them? Are we so far away that we are feeling discouraged or have we exceeded what we had put out for the year?

    Take time, to revisit those goals, hopes and resolutions for 2021. But more importantly, bring it to Jesus in prayer, abiding in Him and allow Him to recalibrate your heart and mind.

    Soft worship music can help us to reflect and pray. Try listening to this piano instrumental to help you:

Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDSSweet Hour of Prayer · Chris SpringerPiano Hymns & Worship℗ Inov8, Inc.Released on: 2012-03-06Artist: Chris SpringerAuto-genera...

reading for: 17 April

Psalm 4

Crying to the Living God

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    Does God answer our prayers? Does He hear us and our cries in the midst of all of our challenges?

    In Jesus, we can say yes! Jesus is the prince of peace, and He keeps us safe (v. 8)  as the Good Shepherd. At the same time, at Easter, we are also assured that Jesus who has risen from the grave and hears our prayers because He is alive!

    So it is with confidence that we can now pray:

    Answer me when I call to you, O God who declares me innocent.

    Free me from my troubles. Have mercy and hear my prayer (v. 1)

    The LORD has set apart the godly for himself.

    The LORD will answer when I call to Him. (v. 3)

    Offer right sacrifices in the right spirit, and trust the LORD (v. 5)

    He will give you greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine (v. 7) Or salary increments and bonuses for us Singaporeans.

    And we will have God’s peace to lie down and sleep, as he keeps us safe (v. 8)


    Are you in a challenging and helpless situation right now? Are you kept awake at night by your restless heart?

    Jesus is alive and risen, you can turn to him and He will surely hear you and answer You.

    He can give you the joy you are longing for, but we need to turn to Him in the right spirit and place our trust in Him.

    Stop struggling for a moment to find your own solution and turn to the Lord instead in prayer.

    Cry to Him who is alive. For He alone can keep you safe.

Easter Season Worship Playlist

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