What is the heart and action of our Risen Lord in our world today?

Songs for Prayer:

Surrender, Move Your Heart, Better is One Day, Miles and Miles, So Beautiful and Spontaneous Worship by Jonathan Ogden

SET PRAYER (Closing Prayer for LG gathering) (Based on Revelation 21:1-8)

God of boundless grace,

you call us to drink freely of the well of life

and to share the love of your holy being.

May the glory of your love,

made known in the victory of Jesus Christ, our Savior,

transform our lives and the world he lived and died to save.

We ask this in his name and for his sake. Amen.

reading for: Tuesday Night, 24 May

John 17:20-26

The Heart of Jesus for the world

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    John 13-21 forms the second segment of John, commonly known as the book of glory. Where Jesus first reveals and defines glory by washing the feet of his disciples before finally dying on the cross and being raised in glory (John 18-20)

    John 17 however, falls within a long monologue that Jesus starting from chapter 14. Having said so much to the disciples, he now turns and speaks to the Father (John 17:1). Its one of the rare moments in the scriptures where get to eavesdrop on Jesus’ prayer to the Father. And its here that we get an insight of Jesus’ heart for the world.

    John 17:20 marks a significant turn in Jesus’ prayer where having prayed for his own disciples (v. 9), he now prays for those who would come to believe in Him through his disciples. He prays for a unity for both the disciples and the disciples-to-be. A unity that Jesus has with the Father, where the Father is in Jesus and Jesus is in the Father (v. 21). But this unity isn’t just between the disciples, but also with the Father and Son.

    Why and what fruit would there be from this kind of unity? That the world will believe that Jesus was sent by God. This unity, is to help and testify what God has done through the sending of His Son Jesus.

    Is this even possible? (Many of us would ask) even in marriages where its just between 2 people, unity seems so far away.

    Yes it is, Jesus says, because He has given us the glory He has received (v. 22). A glory just like what Jesus has with the Father of being one.

    Deepening the reason for this, Jesus says that the outcome of this unity, is also that the world will know the Father's love for them is as much as his love for Jesus. (v. 23).

    Jesus doesn't want just unity for his disciples, but longs for them to be with Him and see the glory and love of the Father (v. 24).

    Here we see the heart of Jesus for the world so clearly, he desires a unity not just amongst us, but also with Him and the Father. That we might see the glory and love of the Father and that the world will come to know the Father's love.


    We all long for unity. Unity in our homes, in our LGs and even in our companies and country. 

    The first thing we can count on is that Jesus desires us to be united. We see it so clearly in His prayer to the Father.

    The second assurance for us is that this is possible in Jesus. Through Jesus, we are given a glory that Jesus has with the Father. A glory that can enable us to be one.

    Third, this unity doesn't exist for its own sake. Its so that the glory and love of the Father can be seen in us, that the world might also come to know the Father's love.

    Take time to pray this week, for your family, for your LG or team. And ask for the kind of unity that Jesus wants to give. Intercede knowing that you are joining Jesus to pray for this.

reading for: Wednesday Night, 25 May

Acts 16:16-34

The Action of Jesus in the World

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    Acts 16 records the ongoing missionary journey of Paul. Having been stopped by the Spirit of Jesus (v. 7), they now arrive in the Roman city of Philippi (v. 12).

    The first recipient of Paul's ministry was quite a breeze. Lydia was already a worshiper of God and in the end, not only her but her household were baptised (v. 14-15).

    Yet in the verses that follow, we see Paul encountering difficulties. First by a girl who was possessed by a spirit, that pestered them for several days (v. 18). Then by the public, as they were seized and humiliated. Not just with words but also with force. Being beaten severely before thrown into prison (v. 20-23).

    More surprises would follow as Paul and Silas were miraculously freed by an earthquake that broke all their chains. But instead of running, they reached out to the suicidal jailer. And subsequently his household (v. 25-32).  And as response, the jailer took care of Paul and Silas, washing their wounds and feeding them (v. 33-34).

    This account in Acts in the city of Philippi, showcases the action of the Risen Lord in the world, through the Spirit. First by leading Paul and Silas to the appointed city. Then by leading them to individuals who in various scenarios commit their lives to Jesus by baptism.


    Do you believe that the Risen Lord is at work and in action in our world today?

    Do you believe that He is moving and accomplishing the Father's will in your home and workplaces?

    The account in Acts today reveals that to us in very specific ways. The Jesus who is alive and at work 2000 years ago in Philippi is also at work in Singapore.

    Would you pray and ask for eyes to see, a heart to trust and courage to partner Him in His work?

reading for: Thursday Night, 26 May

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21

The Coming Glory of Jesus

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     Suppose you wrote a book, how would you choose to end your book?

    The closing chapter and verses in Revelations can be summarised in the word "Come".

    Firstly, Jesus is coming back soon (v.12 and 20).  And when He does, he will bring a reward to repay everyone according to their deeds. Those who have received and walked with Jesus will enter the City of God. But those who have lived their lives contrary to the ways of Jesus will be outside (v. 14)

    Who is this that is coming back? The Alpha and Omega, the First and Last, the Beginning and the End.

    Second, the invitation is for everyone to come. Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life (v. 17)

    Third and perhaps the most interesting, we are all invited to yearn for Jesus' coming.

    The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” (v. 17)

    Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! (v. 20)


     In the closing chapter of Revelations we see a confirmation that Jesus will come again. 2000 years ago He left and ascended into heaven but promised to come back again.

    In His second coming, the new creation - a new heaven and a new earth will come as the first heaven and earth will pass away. There will be a fullness of God's presence with us and death will be gone (Rev 21:1-4).

    Are we yearning for that day to come? Are we living our lives in light of that?

    To live in light of that is to first go to Jesus to be quenched from our thirsts. Its also to yearn and say together with the Spirit and John that the day will come soon.

reading for: Friday Night, 27 May

Psalm 97

The Song When Jesus Returns

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    "Psalms 96-98 each hail God’s coming as the world’s King. But Psalm 96 and Psalm 98 soar with delight at what is in store for the world when God returns, while in Psalm 97 the frightening, awesome side of God’s kingly rule is emphasised." James Boice

    Psalm 97, along with Psalm 96 and 98, can easily be songs sung when Jesus comes the second time.

    The LORD reigns, He is King! Our King is finally back!

    Let all the earth rejoice!

    Let even the furthest shores smile! (v. 1)

    Dark clouds and darkness might surround him, but His lightning will flash brightly all across the world (v. 2, 4).

    Fire goes before Him and all His enemies burn (v. 3).

    Even the mighty Mt. Everest and Mt Fuji will fall before the King of the earth (v. 5).

    For His righteousness and justice is the foundation of His rule (v. 2).

    The heavens will proclaim the righteousness of the King and all nations will see His glory (v. 6).

    Those who follow other gods will finally see how worthless they are (v. 7)

    While those who love the LORD, who seek God will rejoice in His light (v. 8 & 11-12)

    For the LORD is supreme and King over all things, nothing, no one can compare! (v. 9)           


    With Revelations 22 picture in mind, imagine this Psalm being sung as Jesus comes back again.

    Take 10 minutes to pause in your day and meditate on Psalm 97 with the picture of Revelations 22.

Season of EasterCNL