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reading for: 20 JANUARY

Mark 1:14-20

The Importance of Immediate Obedience

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If you have read the gospel of Mark a few chapters at a time, you will notice how fast things progress. He is unlike Matthew who spends time tracing the family heritage of Jesus; neither does he tell us of the origin stories of John and Jesus like Luke, nor does he waste any time like John to philosophise. Mark doesn’t waste any time and just goes straight to the point. Perfect for us Singaporeans who like everything “chop chop”!

But one word that constantly pops out is this word “immediately”. This is how Mark writes to push the story forward and give us this sense of urgency. It is not surprising then that out of the 59 times the greek word is use in the New Testament, 41 times happens all in Mark! 

This week, “immediately” occurs twice. First when Simon and Andrew are approached to follow Jesus to become fishers of men (v. 17). Second when Jesus calls out to James and John to follow him (v. 20). 

Both times we see how immediate their responses are! In fact, their responses are so quick, we’re often filled with both admiration and doubt! 

“Wah I wish I can be like Simon and Andrew, can leave their livelihood behind and follow Jesus without any question!”

“Ai ya, they are apostles lah, thats why can respond so fast.”

Yet the lesson in obedience should not be lost. And as we start 2021, its crucial we remember how important immediate obedience is: 

For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.

James 1:23-24

Don’t you realise that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living. 

Romans 6:16

Our immediate response either reinforces our identity as a slave to sin, or a slave to righteous living. We are either following Jesus, or our own fleshly ways. 


    In this January month of consecration, the Lord has been and will be speaking to all of us as we seek to consecrate ourselves for 2021. As you hear His word and invitation, will you immediately take small steps of action?

    It's as simple as writing it down a prayer in your journal, or sharing it with your LG, to ask for prayer and support. Don’t’ hesitate anymore and take action!

reading for: 21 JANUARY

Jonah 3:1-5, 10  

Responding as God’s Chosen People

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    Jonah is a famous story in the bible that we often tell our children. But an interesting question is, who in this story acts more like the chosen, set apart people of God?

    Jonah is a prophet of God who is sent to Nineveh. A man who has been set apart by God to speak on His behalf sent to a city that has traditionally been the hallmark of wickedness. But in the first 2 chapters, we see a stubborn man who refuses to obey God’s voice to proclaim His judgment. He runs in the opposite direction and even puts the lives of others at risk! God has to bring a storm and a fish just to bring Jonah to the place of obedience. 

    Only after the second time God speaks to Jonah do we see him finally obeying (3:1-3). But here comes the irony - the people in Nineveh, on hearing the simple message of God from Jonah, with likely no long stories of persuasion, immediately responds!

    The people of Nineveh believed God’s message, and from the greatest to the least, declared a fast and put on burlap to show their sorrow.

    Jonah 3:5

    Even the king of Nineveh repented and used his position to call for repentance! And guess what? God saw their immediate response to stop their evil ways and changed his mind about destroying Nineveh (v. 10).


    Last Sunday we heard about the importance a consecrated and circumcised heart. A circumcised heart responds quickly to God’s voice. A circumcised heart that has been consecrated, runs to God and turns quickly to him. As God’s royal priesthood, we have been saved to serve. 

    All of us have some kind of leadership position, it could be at home, at work or in church - how are we using our positions to lead others to turn to God in this time?

    Take a few moments to pray for the people that you are leading, and ask the Lord to show you how you can lead them to turn to God in this month of consecration. Even if you are leading unbelievers, you can also lead them simply by sharing your hopes and desires for 2021 and guiding them to also “consecrate their 2021”. 

    If they are open, ask them to join us on Sundays for a space to hear about 2021!

reading for: 22 january

1 Corinthians 7:29-31 

Prioritising According to God’s Time

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    Husbands, live as though you do not have a wife! Those mourning? Rejoicing? Or buying things? Live as though you are not too!

    But wait, before we get caught up in the words of Paul, its important to consider the larger context. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul is specifically addressing the matters of sexual relations (7:1). And he spoken to many groups in the Corinthian church, he’s told the unmarried and widows to remain single if possible (v. 8), the married to remain married (v. 10-11), believers who have unbelieving wives to also stay married (v. 12). Essentially, to remain in whatever condition and status when they were called by God (v. 24).

    Now in verse 25, he’s speaking to the virgin women who have reached a point where they would naturally be married. His personal advice is also to remain as they are. Though Paul qualifies that this is not a commandment from the Lord and if anyone does marry, there is no sin (v. 28). 

    But what is most critical isn’t his specific instructions, rather, it is the reason and driving motivation for his advice.

    There is a present ongoing crisis (v. 26), which points to the remaining time being very short (v. 29)! Hence Paul is urging the Corinthians to live differently! Why? Because the world as we know it, this world in present form is passing away (v. 31). And when this present form of the world passes away, we will neither marry nor be given in marriage (Matthew 22:30). 

    Radical living has always been the mark of Christian believers. Since we are not of the world, even though we are in the world (John 17:14-19). Yet the urgency for radical living is now more necessary than ever! For how else with our friends, colleagues and family come to know the God who has prepared eternity for us? How else will they know that eternity is the life that is really worth living for?


    As we start 2021, there are some plans that we would have put in place at work, at home or in our personal lives. 

    But how have these plans been shaped by the eternity that God has prepared for you? Or perhaps more importantly, how has the passing away of our world in present form shaped those plans?

    Are there things that you need to re-prioritise and set in order?

    Take time to ask the Lord to help you to re-prioritise.

reading for: 23 january

Psalm 62:5-12

Waiting on God Our Living Hope

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    Do we really have the power to make the changes we need in 2021? Do we have the strength and capacity to follow through with those plans? 

    This Psalm is a beautiful reminder that He is our only hope. Jesus alone is our living hope.

    So to him our soul waits, to Him alone we wait in silence.

    For He is our rock and our salvation,

    He alone is our fortress, that security our heart so longs for.

    Our only hope of salvation, or true change in 2021,

    Can only come from God, our Rock and Refuge.

    My dear brothers and sisters, will you pledge to put your trust in him?

    Will you commit to trusting the Lord through the ups and downs of 2021?

    Will you consecrate and circumcise your hearts for Him?

    There will be times this year when you see people more successful than you,

    And there will be times when you see people losing everything.

    But both are temporal in a time like this. 

    Don’t find shortcuts this year to alleviate your worries of finances,

    And certainly do not spend all your energies planning your way out.

    Even if somehow you are given more riches, remember that it is all passing away.

    For God alone is all powerful. He alone is full of unfailing love. 

    Trust in Him, wait on Him and you will surely find Him.


    Listen and sing along to the song “Living Hope” by Phil Wickham.  Read aloud, write it out and meditate on v. 5-7:

    For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,

    for my hope is from him.

    He only is my rock and my salvation,

    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

    On God rests my salvation and my glory;

    my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

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