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reading for: 14 October

Matthew 22:15-22

Give to God what Belongs to God

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The scene is here very similar to a gang fight in movies! The gang of Pharisees want to entrap Jesus and have him arrested (v.15). So they assemble their followers and confront him in a group (v.16). Perhaps their cunning ways are slightly more sophisticated, so instead of a fierce confrontation, they try to lure Jesus into thinking they are on his side.

“Teacher, we know how honest you are. You teach the way of God truthfully. You are impartial and don’t play favourites.” 

Then they spring their long plotted trap! “Is it right to pay taxes to Cesar or not?” Right at this moment, the gang of Pharisees must have been smirking. They knew that Jesus proclaimed to be the Messiah, and as King He would surely say that there is no other king other than he! 

But Jesus, knowing their intentions, asked them a question. “Whose picture and title are stamped on it?” (v. 20)

And they replied “Cesar.” “Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

So the Pharisees went away amazed at Jesus.

If you notice carefully, Jesus didn’t actually answer the question of the Pharisees. He merely rode on what they said. And on the surface, the interpretation of the Pharisees is true. Since the denarius had Cesar’s face, it logically meant that it belonged to Cesar.

But if we take a step back to consider, what doesn’t belong to God? Doesn’t everything, even Cesar himself belong to God? And if that is the case, doesn’t that mean that everything Cesar has, also belong to God?


We have been influenced to think that our time, energy, talents that we give at work is rightfully given to our superior and organisation. 

But if we took a step back to consider that Jesus who is King over all, is the Boss of all bosses, what would that mean for us?

How would that influence 1 of your upcoming choice and decision at work this week?

reading for: 15 October

Exodus 33:12-23

Give thanks for Knowing the Glory of the LORD

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    The scriptures today show us 3 requests that Moses makes of the LORD.

    His first is to ask for a clarity on what had already been said. “You have been telling me, you have told me.” 

    The second is a request is for the LORD to not just go with him, but Israel. 

    And the final, is a request to see the glory of the LORD. (v. 18) 

    If you haven’t already noticed, this final request is quite different. Its a request to see the glory of the LORD! 

    Looking back to the times the word “glory” has appeared in Exodus: 

    • God’s glory has been seen in the defeat of Pharaoh (Exodus 14:4, 17). 

    • When He gave manna and quail to Israel (Exodus 16:7). 

    • In a cloud in the wilderness and on Mount Sinai (Exodus 16:10, 24:16)

    • Holy garments for Aaron and his sons (Exodus 28:2, 40)

    But now the LORD is going to reveal His glory in an unprecedented manner. He is going share His personal name to Moses, confine himself into a human form and walk pass Moses (33:19-20) and reveal his back (33:23). This is going to be a significant milestone in biblical history because for the first time, the Creator God who chose Abraham, Issac and Jacob, is going to share His very name to a human being. His name, the LORD, Yahweh, for He will show mercy to anyone He chooses, and show compassion to anyone He chooses.  


    We often take knowing the LORD for granted. We speak about Him, we hear Him speak to us. It almost feels like that should be the way! But as we learn today, knowing God, the LORD is nothing short of glorious. It is an honour and privilege to know God, even more so than any celebrity!

    Take time to give thanks for the great privilege and honour. That the God who created the heavens and earth, has revealed Himself to You.

    Pray for 1 or 2 others (Your oikos - family, friend, colleague or neighbour) who hasn’t experienced this privilege yet. That they would come to know Him.

reading for: 16 October

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Move with the Gospel

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    How amazing the gospel is! It has this power to bring conviction and transformation in our lives! Paul, Silvanus and Timothy are the first recipients of this (v. 5). And as the Thessalonian Church imitated them and the Lord, they too experienced the powerful work of the Spirit (v. 6). And in turn, they became examples to the other believers in Macedonia and Achaia! (v. 7) In fact, the work of the Spirit in them is so great that wherever Paul went, he’s told of the work of the gospel in them (v. 8)! PTL!

    What do they speak of? They speak about the kind of hospitality they show, how they serve the living and true God and how they await the second coming of Jesus! (v. 9-10)

    In this passage we see the move of God, the spread of the gospel in the world and the power of the Holy Spirit! Starting from the leaders of Paul, Silvanus and Timothy, moving to the Thessalonian church and beyond. A fulfilment of Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


    If you are reading this, you have been chosen by God because of His great love for you! (v. 4)

    It is His choice and love that has brought the gospel into your life and His desire is that you become more fruitful! All we are called to do is to receive the work of the Spirit and move with Him. 

    On this brand new day, give thanks to how God has chosen you because of His love and how He’s wanting to move in you and through you. Receive the Spirit and move as He leads you today.

reading for: 17 October

Psalm 99

Worship the Glorious God!

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    This Psalm is about worship and lifting up this glorious and holy God! (v. 9)

    He is the King and sits on his throne (v.1). 

    He sits majestically in Jerusalem, above all the other nations (v. 2). 

    He loves justice and has established fairness 

    He acts with justice and righteousness (v. 4)

    Thats why we are called to praise Him, exalt Him and bow in worship! (v. 3 and 5)

    But this glorious God didn’t just stay in heaven, He chose Moses, Aaron, Samuel and Israel to be His priests. (v. 6)

    When they cried to Him, He answered Him and spoke to Israel through a cloud. (v. 7)

    He is indeed, our LORD and God, who answers us, forgives us and corrects us. (v. 8)

    What a loving, majestic and glorious God we serve! 


    Take time to dwell in the presence of this glorious God. 

    Sing songs of worship, reflect on His goodness to you. 

    Finally prepare your heart to worship Him this Sunday, together with your fellow priests in the house!

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