Strong Church: Living Between the Advents of Jesus

We are 5 days away from Christmas!! And I’m sure you’ve already heard carols being played everywhere. The carol “Joy to the World” has always been a favourite - both for the church and in the world. There’s something about the song that makes us feel the joy of Christmas. Today I to remind us both of reason for the Joy; and also the Waiting that must come with that Joy.

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Rev Terence Ong
Living Between the Advents of Jesus

Waiting for Jesus is not the same as waiting for our lunch, or our salary or a vaccine because this One we are ‘waiting for’ has been raised from the dead, and has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. So what exactly does waiting for Him involve? Tune in next week for our final thoughts on Waiting.

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Rev Terence Ong
Strong Church - Turning from Idols

Jesus promised that He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. This means that as the challenges of the Pandemic increase, we can rest assured that the church WILL stand. That as everything is shaken, the Church alone will be strong. The question is - Who is the Church?

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Rev Terence Ong
The Church is Strong

The Church of Christ is truly strong and have nothing to fear. So it is vital for us to ask - Who is the Church? Are we the Church of Christ? What marks us as the Church of Christ?

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Rev Terence Ong
Be Strong in the Lord Part 3

As we come to the end of a very challenging year. As we begin to truly come to terms with the uncertainty of all that is around us. This is a good a time as any to ask ourselves - do we believe God is truly a good Father? Do we believe Jesus is true to His promise never to leave us nor forsake us? Do we believe in His Way - that is it truly strong - stronger than Death itself?

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Rev Terence Ong
Be Strong in the Lord

In recent years, I’ve observed that strength has been an emerging theme in popular culture. At first it was health. Basic awareness for healthy lifestyle. And then it was endurance. It was not enough to be healthy and fit, but can you run a marathon? Or perhaps half a marathon? How about triathlons?

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Rev Terence Ong
God gives up?

How can God give up on people? How can God say - I don’t care anymore? This week’s lectionary reading really challenged me because this is precisely the picture that we see in Exodus 32.

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Rev Terence Ong
The Wilderness Part 2

According to experts, roughly speaking, in survival scenarios, the magic number is THREE. You can live approximately THREE minutes without oxygen, THREE hours in extreme weather, THREE days without water, and THREE weeks without food. For Singaporeans who eat SIX meals a day, it might come as a shock to know that food is the last of basic human need!

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Rev Terence Ong
Imagining Strong: Passover

For the last two weeks, the lectionary readings in Exodus has given us two contrasting pictures of strong. With Shiphrah and Puah, we see a picture of strength as withstanding the onslaught of Evil. With Moses, we see a picture of strength as a person who in being weak, is now made truly strong because he has learnt to move in step with the One who is making all things new in our world. This week, we see a third picture of Strong -a united people, marked by the Passover.

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Rev Terence Ong