The Wilderness Part 3

From the history of God’s People in the book of Exodus, we can see that the Wilderness Experience is a necessary part of what it means to be God’s People.

Let me suggest three reasons why the Wilderness is important for us.

1. We are connected to Jesus through our Wilderness

The life of the LORD was a Wilderness experience - from his temptations in the Wilderness to Gethsemane, to his cry on the Cross “my God my God, why have you forsaken me”. Paul writes this to the Philippians that his life pursuit is to “know Christ and be found in Him”. And he defines the knowing of His Resurrection Power, ultimate as a matter of sharing in His suffering (Phil 3:8-11).

Many desire to know Jesus. But few are ready to follow His Ways. Without following the Way of the Cross, we will never comprehend the power and joy of His Resurrection.

2. We are connected to the Saints through Scripture

Everyone knows that suffering is a necessary dimension of our life on earth. From childbirth, to marital love, to building authentic friendships, to become a truly accomplished someone. No pain no gain! In fact, if we think about it, pain and suffering is a necessary mark of true greatness and success. The problem is not suffering per se, but suffering alone.

This is why the only real antidote for people who are suffering is not quick and easy solutions, but companionship through empathy and understanding. ”I see you“. ”I know“. ”I understand“. You are not alone. So where can we find this real companionship? The saints through Scripture.

We often find the Scriptures boring, not because we cannot understand, but because we cannot identify with the experiences. The lament of the Psalms for God to help; the cry of the Prophets for justice; the tension of living in between the first and second coming of Jesus, with faith, hope and love - none of these make sense, until we experience the Wilderness. When we do, our senses are awakened; our priorities are realigned and we discover the joy that we are not alone. That we are part of the Communion of Saints in the world - faithful witnesses of His Kingdom in the world.

3. We are connected to God, as our Father.

Worldly success and Prosperity is good but also makes us forget God. Have we become too wise to know Him as Father? Have we become too proud, we forgot the source of Blessing? Have we become so independent and self-sustaining that we have forgotten our need of Him?

The Wilderness reminds us, we must live one day at a time, in prayerful dependence on Him. The Wilderness disciplines our arrogance and sense of self. We discover our limitations and our need for God. We learn to be children again, living dependent on God for our daily bread. As children of God, let us not despise the loving discipline of the Father (Hebrews 12). 

The Wilderness is a vital part of our life with God because we are invited to truly know God. To rediscover our identity as His children. As we encounter our wilderness, let us remember God is With Us; and we are invited into a deeper and richer relationship with Him. Amen.

Rev Terence Ong