Be Strong in the Lord
There are many worthy passages of Scripture to commit to memory - but Ephesians 6:10-18 is a definitely a favourite of many.
It’s a passage that gives us perspective - that we are at war and we need to remain vigilant. Not all is as it seems. There we are reminded that the enemy is not flesh and blood but invisible forces of the heavenly realms. It is a passage that is rich for spiritual meditation - to envision ourselves with the full armour of God. Helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, sword of the Spirit. But above all, this Scripture exhorts is to one thing - be strong in the Lord.
In recent years, I’ve observed that strength has been an emerging theme in popular culture. At first it was health. Basic awareness for healthy lifestyle. And then it was endurance. It was not enough to be healthy and fit, but can you run a marathon? Or perhaps half a marathon? How about triathlons? From Standard Chartered’s runs across Benjamin Sheares bridge, to the long night runs of Sundown Marathon, to OSIM’s triathlon events, we were enamoured by people who could go long. But then, the fitness industry told us - not long, but strong. Cross fit. MMA. Muay Thai. Spartan Challenge. HIIT classes. Bodyweight Calisthenics. All of a sudden, Strong was the obsession.
2020 has been a defining year in so many ways. I suspect when we look back upon this year, there would be many truths and lessons to uncover from the experience of life in 2020. But prophetically, 2020 is also the year CNLers have been invited by the Spirit to reflect on what it means to be Strong. This year, the Word of God is “Strong Church”. I remember when the LORD first gave new this Word, I had imagined that strong for CNL, would be better organization and ministry structures. And I thank God that He is developing that for our House. But as I look back at the last ten months, I can see that God intended for us to comprehend “Strong” in a very different way. Strong not defined by human organisation and ingenuity but Strong understood first and foremost as Strong in Him.
As we come to the last two months of this historic year, let me invite you to make space for the Holy Spirit to challenge us. He desires for us to be Strong. And He has given the secret of Strong to us. Let’s discover afresh what it means to be “Strong in the Lord, and in the might of His strength”.