Living by the Paschal Greeting

What is the significance of Resurrection Sunday? What is the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection for us? An ancient tradition known as the “Paschal Greeting” developed especially amongst the pre-Reformation Church might help us capture the precise meaning of the Resurrection. Instead of the usual, “hello, nice to meet you” or “Shalom”… one person will say “He is risen” and the other will respond with “He is risen indeed!”. This is an echo of the language of the first disciples on the day they discovered Jesus had risen (Matthew 27:64, Matthew 28:6–7, Mark 16:6, Luke 24:6, Luke 24:34). To speak this greeting is to make a proclamation - Christ has risen. 

A proclamation is not an idea to be debated about. ”He is risen“ is not an invitation to say - How? Show me. It is a statement of fact. It has happened. And the good news is this, if is it true that “He is risen” - that He can prove and show Himself to those who don’t believe. He doesn’t need us to do it for Him. All He needs from us, is to believe and live as if He is Risen. 

This is precisely what it means to be “Witnesses”. To witness is not to try to go around proving that Jesus is alive or persuading people that Jesus is real. To be witnesses is to live by the Paschal Greeting - He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed. This is the significance of Resurrection Sunday, Jesus is alive and His Presence is communicative Presence - He speaks and directs and leads us. Are we listening? More importantly, are we responding? 

To live as witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus, is to live as people who can hear and respond to the call of Jesus. This is why Ps Philip’s sermon last week was a timely and powerful message. He entitled the sermon “I Must Take This Call”. In that sermon, the Holy Spirit challenged us that we must all learn to respond to His call in our lives. Ps Philip’s three points are worth repeating. The call of Christ is 

1. A Call to Be with Him

2. A Call to Be changed into His Likeness

3. A Call to Live for His Divine Purpose

God is making All Things New in our world; and He is doing it through His Son Jesus - the crucified Messiah, and risen LORD. Let us learn to respond to His call. Let us learn to move with Christ @Home, @Work, and @Play.

Rev Terence Ong