Good News: Finally, A Leader Worth Following
Money may make the world go around, but in fact - everything rises and falls on leadership. It is leadership that moves the money that brings prosperity and wealth. And it is good leadership that brings prosperity and wealth to all with justice and without prejudice.
American leadership and this Pandemic have been an object lesson for all of us about the importance of leadership. Never before has the importance of the US Presidency been made so clear for us in the last few years - for the nation of America and the world. Equally, the Pandemic has served to underline the importance of leadership in crisis. How a nation fares, and whether it thrives depends on whether leaders are able to know their people, gain the trust of the people and guide them to work together for safety; and to secure a strong position for the future. Today’s Gospel reading from John 12:12-16 is about leadership. Or more specifically, it is about coming of a Leader - a Leader who will bring peace and prosperity; justice and equality.
The event of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus is often overshadowed by the Cross. We tend to only focus on the ‘benefits’ of the Cross, but forget who it is that went to the Cross. The power and glory of Good Friday does not rest upon the Cross itself, but on the One who bore the Cross. Palm Sunday - celebrated annually the Sunday before Good Friday, keeps us clear - this the rightful King, our Leader on the Cross.
As a God-fearing Israelite, Jesus went to Jerusalem many times in his life (The Israelites made three annual pilgrimages to Jerusalem), but this particular moment for Jesus was different. This particular time He entered Jerusalem not as a pilgrim, but as a King. News that Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead had travelled far and wide… and the people were ready to hail him as the God appointed King to deliver them from Roman oppression and to re-instate Israel to her power and glory. When He came into Jerusalem, he came riding to the songs of people who were singing Psalm 118:26 and harbouring messianic expectations from Isa 40:9-11. He accepted these praises, but purposefully rode not on a conquering horse, but on a humble donkey - fulfilling the prophetic utterances of Zechariah that one day, a King would come with a different kind of power, one that ensures Peace (Zech 9).
Palm Sunday reminds us of the identity of the Person who was crucified. He was crucified as a King. He was crucified because He was a King. He was crucified to show us what it means to be a King. Good Friday is good because on the Cross, we see a True King revealing to us the Way of Truth; showing us the Way to Life. This is why He invites us all who seek and desire Life, He says - come and follow me. I am the Leader worth trusting in.
Let us prepare to see Jesus afresh this Good Friday. Let us prepare to renew our conviction that this is God’s anointed King. And to renew our allegiance that He is not just a good teacher, but a true Leader. A Leader worth following.