What on Earth is God Doing: He’s Concerned for His Temple on Earth

If you had to make a decision between building an Hospital or a a Temple - which would you choose?

In our knowledge-intensive contemporary world, we have long ago erased any ideas of the supernatural and superstitious from our every day life. If we encounter a problem, we don’t usually think of going to see the church pastor, Taoist priest, Buddhist monk or the bomoh. Instead, we visit a well-educated expert in his/her field - a doctor not a healer, a worldly lawyer not a scriptural lawyer, a property agent not a priest, an interior designer not a feng shui master. And so we have more need for hospitals not temples; office buildings instead of places of worship. Places of worship do not carry the same importance to society or are revered in the hearts of people as they once did. They are marvelled at by tourists, not by worshippers; visited for their historical and socio-cultural significance, rather than for the purpose for which they were constructed in the first place.

 And yet, we cannot read our Bibles, without observing that the Temple is an vital piece of architecture for the world. This week’s Gospel reading in John 2:13-22 is precisely about the Temple. Jesus was cleansing the Temple in Jerusalem, and the elders and authorities questioned his authority - who are you to speak to this Institution? Who are you to shape or modify what the Temple is or isn’t? “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” (John 2:18). Even before attempt to grasp what’s going on - it is vital that we understand what’s so important about the Temple? What was so vital about this place, that Jesus Himself was concerned about it?

Or to put it differently - if Jesus had a choice to re-organize a Hospital; or re-organize the Temple - He would choose the Temple. In fact, Jesus didn’t just “choose” the Temple, He spoke about His ongoing commitment to shape and organize the Temple. “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” The elders and authorities in Jerusalem were concerned for this - who gave you the right to change things? Who made you the leader? And Jesus’ answer was clear, here’s the sign. I will die and be raised again. I will give my life to fulfil God’s Will… and here is the Sign you’re asking for - ”I will be raised again by God Himself, to continue fulfilling God’s Will”

And this is precisely the testimony of the Peter, on the day of Pentecost.

“This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses… Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” (Acts 2:32–36 ESV)

Jesus is alive. And Jesus is continuing to shape, organize and build His Temple on earth. Let’s follow His leadership and guidance. He is God’s appointed agent of Change in our world.

Rev Terence Ong