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Listen to these songs as we start off the Easter Season

reading for: 20 April

John 20:19-31

Servants who are Encountering Jesus

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Encounters. If there is one word that can summarise this passage from John, it would be the word encounters. Encounters with Jesus that various disciples had.

Earlier, Mary had not just found the empty tomb but had an encounter with the risen Lord (20:14-17). Peter and the other disciple (presumably John), also found the empty tomb but had to wait for their encounter with the resurrected Jesus. It was only later in the evening of this first day of the first week that Jesus appears to them (v. 19). He didn't just assure them with peace, but he actually encountered the disciples and stood in their midst (v. 19). Showing them his nail pierced hands and spear pierced side (v. 20).

Thomas, who was missing from this first encounter that Jesus had with the disciples (v. 24), had to wait another 8 days (v. 26). Once again, we're told, that even though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood amongst them (v. 26). This time round, Jesus, directed his encounter to Thomas, and invited him to see and touch his nail pierced hands and spear pierced side (v. 27). That by touching, he might finally believe (v. 29).

Why  did Jesus appear to the disciples? Firstly as true disciples of Jesus, they had to have an encounter with Jesus, and come to believe that He is Lord and King. And from this place of encounter and belief, then go out as disciples who have been sent by Jesus (v. 21). Continuing to proclaim and speak about the signs and acts of Jesus, that others might also come to believe that Jesus is the King (v. 31).


    Jesus has risen from the grave and is alive! That is the good news of Easter that we celebrate and proclaim. And its this Risen Lord who has the ability to encounter us as individuals.

    When was the last time you encountered Jesus? When was the last time you heard Him speaking your name? In order to be a servant of Jesus, we have to have regular encounters with Him.

    In this season, as we learn to be "raised with Christ" through cultivating a daily rhythm in our lives. Its all about creating spaces 3 times a day, that we might slow down to see how our Risen Lord is encountering us. Have you paused in your day today? Will you take time to practice "Don't go to bed wrong"? And as you arise, will you commit you "wake up strong" and commit your day and life to Him? 

reading for: 21 April

Acts 5:27-32

Servants who Obey God

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    Obedient. The passage in Acts show us that God's servants are ultimately obedient to God rather than any human authority (v. 29).

    Many signs and wonders were being done among the people by the apostles (Acts 5:12). The sick were being brought to the streets to be healed by the shadow of Peter (v. 15) and crowds from surrounding villages were bringing their sick and possessed (v. 16). All this was arousing jealousy among the high priest and Sadducees (v. 17), which led to the arrest of the apostles (v. 18). But that night, the Lord appeared through an angel, freed them and instructed them to go out and teach again (v. 20).

    Verse 27 picks up the story as they are arrested the second time, this time, the high priest question them saying, "We told you not to teach in the name of Jesus but yet you persist." Then the apostles respond with "we must obey God rather than men." Why? Because God has raised Jesus from the dead and honoured him as Leader and Saviour. It is to Him and these things that they are witnesses of (v. 32).


    Every day in our lives, we hear many voices. Voices from our bosses, voices from our loved ones and voices of society. There are even voices we hear internally from ourselves. All these are voices of human authority and they quite often are contrary to the voice of the Lord. Thats why as children and servants of the Lord, we need to discern what is pleasing to the Lord (Ephesians 5:10), through our regular encounters with Him. We need to discern the voice of the Lord from the voices that we're constantly hearing.

    When we start our day by waking up strong, our commitment is live as servants who will obey and do what is pleasing to the Lord. At the end of the day, when we take time to review our day by "Don't go to bed wrong", we're slowing down to allow the Lord to show us if we've done what is pleasing to the Lord. And if we haven't, to seek His forgiveness and the forgiveness of others.

    As we read and reflect on this passage this week, let's remember our commitment that we have made at our baptism. That we have given our lives to follow our Lord Jesus. And as take time to review our day, let's allow the Spirit to search our hearts if we have been obedient to Him. Give thanks for the Lord only disciplines those whom he loves!

reading for: 22 April

Revelation 1:4-8

Servants of Jesus

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    Jesus. We are servants of Jesus. For through Him, we have become a kingdom of priests who serve God.

    John starts off his letter to the seven churches with Jesus, the person He is representing and serving (v. 1 and 4). And there are many lessons we can draw from him.

    Jesus is the faithful witness, the first to rise from the dead, the ruler of kings on earth, who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood (v. 5).

    He will  soon return and this time, everyone will see Him, even those who reject Him (v. 7).

    He is also the Alpha and Omega, who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty One (v. 8).

    Through Him, we have become a kingdom of priests who serve God (v. 6).

    Despite the various emotions we might feel while reading this, its important to remember that this message is meant to bring forth God's grace and peace (v. 4). 


    2 Sundays ago, we sung a song called "1,000 Names" by Phil Wickham. But it's here that we see, some titles of Jesus that we aren't familiar with. He isn't just a witness, but THE faithful witness of God. He didn't just rise from the grave but is THE first to rise from the dead. He isn't just a king but THE ruler of all kings on earth. And He is The Alpha and Omega. Or to put it in another way, He's the Beginning and the End. Its this Jesus whom we have become servants of.

    Is there one of Jesus' title that stands out to you? Take a moment to pause and reflect on what that looks like. Consider why it's standing out to you and what it means for you.

    Bring that picture to the Lord in prayer, asking that you will grow and become the kind of servant that He has made you to be.

reading for: 23 April

Psalm 118:14-29

A Servant's Psalm

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    Let's read this Psalm from the perspective of a servant of God, like David.

    "O LORD, You are my strength and song for You have become my salvation.

    I can sing a song of salvation for I am counted righteous in You.

    'The strong right hand of my God and Lord does great things! Oh how He does great things!'

    In Him I live and will recount all the works of the Lord!

    Even when the Lord disciplines me, He will never let me die. For He loves me.

    O Lord, would you open the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to You. You alone will provide the gate for me to enter.

    Thank you for answering my prayer and becoming my hope and salvation!

    Jesus has become my cornerstone. You alone have done this and how marvelous it is!

    Oh how I rejoice in this wonderful day that the Lord has done this! In You and in Jesus I rejoice and am glad!


    Always save us LORD, grant us success.

    For blessed is the one who comes in Your name! Oh how we bless You in Your house! \

    You alone will shine on us and let us bring our sacrifices to You.

    For You are my God and I will give thanks, You are my God and I will exalt You!

    For You are good and Your steadfast love endures forever. "


    The Psalms are meant to be prayers that we can pray along to. By learning to pray as other servants prayed, we learn to become the kind of servants that God desires.

    Take a moment to pray the prayer above, and if there is a sentence or paragraph that particularly stands out to you, pray that a few times and allow that pray to be the prayer of your heart.

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