Centre of New Life

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O God,

you call us to embrace

both you and the children of this world

with unconditional love.

Give us grace to discern

what your love demands of us,

that, being faithful in things both great and small,

we may serve you with an undivided heart. Amen.

reading for: Tuesday Night, 13 September

Luke 16: 1-13

Serving God with our Finances

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    Are we serving God or are we serving money? That is a hard question to answer but Jesus’ story helps us to dig deeper.

    The first question we must ask is what are we using our money for?

    Are we using money for temporary pleasures or things that are fading away? Earlier Jesus had spoken about treasures that will never grow old or lose its value. How? By selling our earthly possessions and giving it to those in need (12:33). This time round, Jesus adds another dimension to how we can use our money, by blessing or giving it away so that we gain friends (v. 9). Why? So that they may receive you to an eternal home.

    Just as the dishonest manager did, knowing he was about to be fired, used his superior financial position to gain friendships.

    The second question we need to ask is how are we using what we have?

    Regardless of how much we have been given, even if its a little, as long as we are faithful in that little, we will also be faithful if more is given to us (v. 10). Even if we find ourselves in a position of somehow having wealth that has been earned through unrighteous means, what then are we doing with it? Are we using it for good, giving it to the needy, or are we just spending and keeping it for ourselves (v. 11). If we cannot make good use of even the little or “unrighteous” wealth, then God will not entrust us with true riches.


    Who we are serving, can be seen in how we are using our finances. And this story that Jesus tells us through extreme is rather ridiculous, highlights the core issue. Its not about how much we have, its not about how we got the money, its all about what we are using our money for. Are we really serving God with our finances (little or unrighteous)? Are we investing into friendships and relationships that will last? Are we helping the needy that is around us? Or are we spending to satisfy only ourselves.

    Have an honest look at your credit card statement or bank account for the past 2-3 weeks. Where is your money going to? Where are you spending it on? How much of it is given to bless and serve others? How much of it is spent so that you can just get more money?

    Serving others could be buying something for your family member, buying them a gift during a special occasion. Or treating them to a meal.

    Or it could be a neighbour or colleague, buying him/her a coffee/bubble tea knowing that he/she is having going through a difficult week.

reading for: Wednesday Night, 14 September

Amos 8:4-7

Accountable to God for our Finances

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Do we know that we will be accountable to God for how we treat the poor and needy especially when it comes to money?

During that time, the rich and wealthy in Israel were robbing the poor and trampling on the needy. They came to the synagogue to celebrate Sabbath but couldn’t wait to leave to cheat the helpless (v. 4-5). How? By using weighing machines that cheated others. Not only that, the grain was mixed with chaff and sold. Its like mixing sand with cement in our modern day. They also sold people into slavery for small insignificant sums (v. 6). It was unbecoming for Israel, they were acting more like the other nations who didn’t know God.

So God through Amos the prophet was calling for accountability. No more would they go on doing what they were doing. No more would their deeds go unseen and unpunished (v. 7). (For more details on what Israel was guilty of before God, refer to Amos 2:4-16)


    The median monthly household income for Singaporeans stands at $9.5k, with each household member earning about $3k a month. Many of us I believe earn more than the average. What percentage of it or what amounts are going to helping the poor and needy? Do we even factor in any money each month towards that?

    Giving towards missions is one clear avenue to give towards the poor and needy overseas. We have missionaries and mission work happening in several countries amongst people who are needy in many ways. Pray and consider how you might allocate some of your finances to give because one day, God will call us to account for how we have treated the poor and needy.

reading for: Thursday Night, 15 September

1 Timothy 2:1-7

Praying for Those in Authority

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    How do we as Christians treat those who are in authority? Whether they are authority at home, at work, in church or the government?

    Paul’s first instruction to Timothy is that he pray. As a church leader, as a pastor, as a son and servant of God, his first and foremost priority is to pray. It isn’t to study the scriptures, to teach the flock, appoint elders or deacons. That would come later. The first and foremost priority as a son and servant of God is to simply to pray. What a beautiful yet strangely challenging instruction.

    For who? Timothy is to pray for everyone. Yes, everyone (v. 1). And especially for those who are in authority, like kings or the government figures of his time.

    Why? Because authority figures can either bring chaos and noise (just look at some of the presidents or prime ministers of some countries) or peace and quiet (v.2)

    When we pray, we are ultimately mediating the work and presence of Jesus Christ for salvation (v.4-6). Rather than thinking of salvation as merely that one time decision to accept Jesus, we should think of salvation of it as an ongoing journey. Meaning, that one time decision is a mere start of an ongoing work of Jesus, until He comes back again (ref Paul in 1 Tim 1:15-16). So when we pray, we are actually pleading and asking for the work of Jesus to manifest and deepen for that person. For a continuing revelation of God’s truth not just in the mind and heart, but ultimately in their life and decisions.


    Paul puts it quite simply how we can pray (v. 1)

    1) We pray by simply naming and remembering them before the Lord

    2) We pray by asking God to help them

    3) We pray by asking on behalf of that person for his/her needs (Whether he/she knows)

    4) We pray by giving thanks to God for them


    Would you spend some time this week praying for the people that God has placed in your life? Especially those who are in positions of authority (your supervisor/boss, your LG leader/kampong leader/pastor, your MP and our Prime Minister)

reading for: Friday Night, 16 September

Psalm 113

Praying to the Lord to Lifts the Poor and Needy

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    The Lord is worthy of our praise! His name is to be blessed. Every human being from the east to the west, should praise Him. Especially His servants.

    For He is higher than the nations and heavens (v. 4).

    For He enters even into our world (v. 6)

    To lift the poor and needy (v. 7)

    Sitting them amongst the princes (v. 8)

    Even the woman who has no child and is looked down by society is given a home filled with children (v. 9)

    Worthy is He who lifts all who are poor and needy!


    As God’s servants, one thing we can do is to lift the poor and needy in prayer to God. For God is concerned for them and desires to lift them up.

    Who are the needy in your life that needs to be lifted up before God and man? It could be that colleague, friend, neighbour or family member.

    If you do not have someone who is poor, why don’t you take some time to pray for the churches and members in our mission field? Even as the world is recovering, inflation rates in many countries are at an all time high and they are certainly struggling.

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